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A Seat by the Window

"Ma'am, we'll need you to bring your marriage license to our office to complete your paperwork." My hair stood on end. I had to visit the same building, floor, and waiting room as I did to excitedly change my last name to "Sunberg" shortly after our honeymoon. Only this time, with our marriage license and Ryan's death certificate clutched in the same hand; proof that we belonged to one another and proof that he's not here to belong to anymore. That full circle moment just about ripped my heart out of my chest. I felt sick. Ryan's parents met and my parents met in that same sweet college town where we started. Though the start was not easy and we already had a brain surgery under our belts six months before our wedding, we still held so many hopes and plans for the decades we prayed were ahead of us. We were not yet burdened by the concerns that came soon after. While I think of our time there so fondly, it has surprisingly been one of the hardes

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