Butt Mud Liam

The boys are almost two months old now and I thought we would be lucky enough not to have any run-ins with illnesses since they got off the oxygen. The lucky streak is over. Both boys have thrush and ear infections, which is supposedly quite common for infants under a year old. They were almost sleeping through the night until they got the ear infections and thrush. It seems like we are back at square one for a little while. They were put on an antibiotic called nystatin. The thrush and ear infections are gone, but another horrendous problem has come from this devil antibiotic.

They have never been colicky or gassy giants, until now. I've never gone through so many burp cloths and diapers. I'm starting to wonder if my purpose in life will ever go beyond cleaning diarrhea and vomit off the boys and their clothes. They are miserable and their tummies rumble all the time. Without doctor consultation I stopped the antibiotic and used something more natural to help the thrush. Unfortunately, we are still dealing with the side affects.

We had a specifically memorable run-in with this problem late last night. The boys had been so fussy and stubborn all day. We were on the 3rd attempt of putting them to bed and keeping them in bed. While I was nursing Jeremiah and finally calming him down, Ryan was bottle feeding Liam. It was nice and quiet, it seemed like things were winding down for good this time. Then Liam let out a thundering butt roll of wet, machine gun farts. Ryan and I caught eyes for a split second before he sprinted to the changing table with Liam at arms distance.

I finished nursing Jeremiah who was finally in a milk coma. I sat thinking I was off the hook, but then I hear, "Renee! I need help now!" So I took my leisurely time getting into the room with Jeremiah ready to lay him down for the night hoping that Ryan would be finishing up with Liam's mess. Not so much. I laid Jeremiah down, still sound asleep, to find that Ryan hadn't touched the mess and waited for my help for the entire length of time that it took for me to get into the room.

Just as I was about to lash out at Ryan, telling him that he needed to handle these blowouts without my help...it happened. In one swift movement, Liam lifted both his legs and let out one tiny, cute little fart. Ryan and I both ducked preparing for hell to unleash. I looked up and that cute little fart rendered complete destruction on everything within three feet of Liam's rear end. As Ryan and I surveyed the damage, I let out a scream of horror as I watched diarrhea drip down the walls. Jeremiah jolted awake but, by God's saving grace alone, he fell right back to sleep. Breathing through our mouths, Ryan and I spent the next 20 minutes scrubbing Liam, the walls, the trash can, the changing table, and whatever speckles that were left over. Ryan's face during this whole volcanic eruption was priceless. I've never seen him so stunned, even through his bloodshot eyes and dark circles. The ever so classic, "Yes, stupid. I'm a new parent," look.

Liam was all clean and we laid him down alongside his brother for the night. Once it was quiet, Ryan looked at me and said that we have the BEST blackmail to use on Liam someday. Yes, we do, Hun! The night of Butt Krakatoa will never be forgotten.

Copyright 2012 ->Renee Sunberg


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