Grace that leads
Have you ever forced something to take a certain course in your life? I have many times. You would probably agree with me that it rarely turns out how you envisioned, and you usually end up with a tangled mess instead. The cost of my unbelief that God will indeed work on my behalf comes at a high price. When I make these poorly thought through decisions, it's pretty common that other relationships and circumstances in my life are already in a less than desirable state, i.e., out of control, chaotic, or just numbingly stagnant. Relational strife undoes me and when something undoes me, I can rarely think of anything else outside of that situation. It is all consuming.
"For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice." James 3:16
I've seen many examples of this same struggle all over the bible. There were many women that sought the eternal benefits of God's purpose, and several that chose the disorder of their fears.
In Luke 10 we see the hearts of two women, Mary and Martha. Jesus came to share a meal in their home. Mary chose to sit at the foot of the Lord and listen while the food was being prepared. She soaked up the wisdom of Jesus' counsel. Martha didn't. Instead, she worried enough for the both of them combined. Her performance anxiety kept her from enjoying the peace that the Son of Man offered her open handedly.
Miriam had unbridled ambition and jealousy that worked against her. She was meek and mild until Moses visited Mount Sinai for a one-on-one with God. God setting her free from years of slavery didn't quench her thirst for Moses' position. Her desire to call the shots landed her in isolation with a raging case of leprosy. If it were not for Moses interceding on his sister's behalf, Miriam would have died.
Abram and Sarai were promised a child. After years of waiting, Sarai took matters into her own hands, despite God's faithfulness, and told Abram to lay with her maidservant Hagar. Like a dummy, Abram agreed and then came along Ishmael. Despite Sarai's unbelief, God still gave her a son of her own, the promised child Isaac. But the repercussions of that choice led to conflict between Sarai and Hagar, Isaac and Ishmael, and ultimately caused the separation of nations. Ishmael is the father of the Arabs and Isaac the father of the Jews that rightfully inherited Israel, God's promised land. Thus, the Palestinian/Israeli conflict was born and remains to this day.
"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me." John 15:4
God has asked me to wait in patience on many occasions. The times I've obeyed and sought the will of the Lord there has always been discernible fruit that comes from putting that patience into practice. As seen in these accounts, there is always something to take away. Those weak moments are proof that growth is needed. There is hope in either scenario, but only if there is death to self and submission to an eternal purpose. Only then can I experience the clarity of God's desires for my life and those around me that my decisions impact.
So, in light of all the go-getting in this New Year, I encourage you to be still in His presence, abide in Him, and faithfully wait for God's guidance in the midst of all life's inbetweens. Like we can see through the trees in the winter, this bareness WILL bring clarity if we abide in The Vine. Let's choose purpose instead of disorder, and never tire of doing what is right.
Copyright 2017 ->Renee Sunberg
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