Table Hopping

Today was an incredibly fast paced and high strung day at work. Then to find my title insurance company needs documents, that we can't access, by the end of the day, chancing a possibility of losing the house that me and my husband close on next week. I didn't have a breather all day and was looking forward to a quiet lunch break. Now it was going to be spent making phone calls...fabulous.

My mom met me at work with the boys to get some lunch. The second we sat down at a table to eat, the boys weren't having any part of their stroller for another second. My mistake started with getting them out and sitting them next to me on the bench. I don't know why I expected to actually get to eat a warm meal for the first time in 15 months. They went from sweet and curious to the ransackery twins in literally an instant.

The table turned into a hurdle to crawl across and climb. Jeremiah stuck his tongue out and started licking the window side to side, not to mention that he discovered the joy of skidding his face across the flat surface. I didn't know he had a full mouth until afterwards when there was left over, half masticated chicken quesadilla smeared all over the once cleaned glass.

That's one child. I haven't even gotten to the second one yet. Liam heard a song he liked and started dancing. But dancing for Mommy and Grandma wasn't enough to please him. He proceeded to climb up onto the table, stood up, lifted his shirt up over his head, and danced and stomped to the music bearing his half naked chest for all to see.

After this, let me tell you, our whole half of the restaurant was empty! We had it all to ourselves. I can't imagine why. It must have been the flying plastic-ware and Liam trying to comb my hair with a fork that steered them off.

Copyright 2013 ->Renee Sunberg


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