Threat Level Mayhem

I suppose it's Liam's week to wreak havoc on the house. For starters, both boys have learned a fabulous talent that requires impressive amounts of dexterity for their age. That talent is self-diaper removal. If I forget to put shorts on them for bed time or nap time, I prayerfully open their door hoping their room won't look like an animal exhibit at the zoo. Fortunately up to date, they have only used this talent when their diapers were full of #1. Last Friday, the streak ended...or should I say began?

During my lunch break at work I called to ask my mom how the boys were behaving. She proceeded to tell me that she made my famous rookie mistake and put them down for their nap without shorts or onesies on because it was a hot day. Liam was fussing so she went to get him so he didn't wake his brother. When she described what she walked in on I felt terrible, but also more amused than I would have been if it was me. No matter, the story continues.

She peeked open the door to see Liam walking from one end of his crib to the other, and throwing something on the floor. As she opened the door further she saw Liam standing in his crib, in the buff, picking poop out of his diaper and throwing it in a little pile on the floor. When Liam realized she was standing at the door he very informatively pointed at the floor yelling, "Uck ball! Uck ball!" Instead of gasping or apologizing like I probably should have, I told her to look on the bright side. At least he made a nice little pile of it on the floor instead of smearing it all over the walls. Needless to say, I don't think she was very impressed with that response.

Our most recent adventure was this morning. I had a productive day planned of laundry, unpacking, and hanging things on the wall. The boys had just finished breakfast and were playing nicely away from anything dangerous, so I made a quick trip downstairs to sort some laundry. As I was halfway through switching loads I heard frantic screaming. So I ran upstairs to find Liam with his head stuck in our banister. I thought surely if he can get his head in, I can get it out. Dawn dish soap would do the trick, right? Wrong. I lathered his head up, pressed one of the posts with my leg to flex it, and tried to slide Liam out. After 2 attempts and a very distraught toddler, I threw in the towel.

I re-positioned him so he was comfortably on his back drinking a bottle of milk. While he was calming down, I was trying to figure out who I was going to call. The fire department in our new town is volunteer, so it would have taken a while for them to get to our house. I didn't think calling my mom would be a help until I remembered that she had a reciprocating saw. I called her and she was out the door. Usually the drive from her house to mine is 12 minutes, I'm pretty sure it took her 5 to get here. I cringe to think how many laws she broke on her commute, but also very thankful that there were no state patrol nearby. But the saw had a full charge, she cut through the post, and Liam was free. He hasn't been near the banister since that happened, but I'm keeping the reciprocating saw here just in case the other one gets a wise idea.

Ryan and I will be trying to figure out alternate post options for the banister tonight. In the meantime, Liam will be getting some extra snuggles and maybe another cookie or two.

After this turn of events, I think we have solved our dilemma trying to find a nickname for Liam. I think it's a toss up between Sawzall Sunberg and Liam Toss-a-poo.
At the end of the day, this is worth it!

Copyright 2013 ->Renee Sunberg


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