Gluttony? Maybe...

I've composed and shared some very heavy thoughts and realities over the last month. I don't regret them, but I thought I would share a funny moment I had the other day to prove that I still have a sense of humor.

Whenever Ryan buys us groceries he always tends to surprise me with some sort of indulgent treat because, let's face it, brain cancer is tough. We might as well enjoy something together. Well, this time he bought a half gallon of Blue Bell Southern Peach Cobbler heaven-to-my-mouth ice cream and I decided to enjoy some to myself.

Ryan was gone at work and I had just laid the boys down for their nap. Two hours to myself is the most glorious part of my day. I decided to partake in some of this amazing ice cream, because it's never too early for ice cream!

As I was scooping out this ice cream into a bowl, there was an unfortunate misfire. A spoonful hit the floor. I sat for several seconds debating if I should pick up the ice cream, toss it, and clean up the mess. But then I decided having a bite of what was in the bowl would factor in on my decision. This ice cream didn't just have peaches in it. It had macadamia nuts too! The choice was clear. I couldn't waste such decadence.

Yes. That's right. I picked up that ice cream and ate it. And guess what? It was worth every dog hair that was probably in it.

Copyright 2014 ->Renee Sunberg


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