
Showing posts from 2012

Strangers on a Plane

I made a spur-of-the-moment decision about 3 weeks back to get planes tickets to Missouri to surprise my Grandpa for his 70th birthday. Unfortunately, my husband couldn't join me because he couldn't get the time off of work. But I wanted to go anyway since that side of my mom's family doesn't get to see their great grandsons very often. Understandable considering the distance and toll it takes on them to travel to colorful Colorado. To my advantage my parents and my aunt were able to travel with me. I would never travel with 9 month old twins by myself. I still have a sliver of sanity left. Nothing really eventful occurred on the flight to Missouri, other than my sons being their incredibly extroverted selves. It was the usual climbing and drooling all over the chairs at the our gate, touching the people sitting in front of us on the plane, exploring some guys laptop case, and smashing their faces against the windows to look outside. Tidbit: I used to be introverted

Grandest Entrance

This is a somewhat random post, but it was too perfect a moment not to share. Me and my husband were having a leisurely day playing with the boys and listening to my ridiculous movie playlist ranging anywhere from Phantom of the Opera to Rocky (Adrian!!!). I was going to get dinner ready and, upon opening the fridge, realized we needed to make a late run to the grocery store with the boys. We got them all bundled up and left for King Soopers. After being gone an hour or so (because nothing with twins wiping out entire shelves of food and tearing off sale tags will end quickly) we got home. We had a boy in one arm and 5 or 6 grocery bags looped around the other, because we would rather break our arms than make a second trip. Ryan miraculously managed to get his keys out and unlock the front door to our tiny apartment. I had obviously forgotten to turn off my computer because I could faintly hear my playlist still going. The second Ryan had fully swung the door open the Star Wars Thr

Home to Us

Ryan and I had a long discussion about what home was to us when we were children, as we watched the boys play on the floor. It swept us both back to some of our fondest memories and we couldn't help but wonder what it was about home that made those moments special. We talked about the securities we did have at home and the things we would've liked to have had. This sparked ideas about the kind of home we want for our family. Here is what we composed. Home is a place where the people you love most reside. Home should be a place where you are always welcomed warmly and loved deeply. Home should be a place to rest and lower your defenses. Home should be a safe haven to pour out your heart. Home should be a place where there is laughter and unabandon at the dinner table. Home is a place where a fragrance sweeps you back to a fond feeling or memory. Home should be a place to heal, recover, and compose. Home should be a place that drives you to be the best you can b

Butt Mud Liam

The boys are almost two months old now and I thought we would be lucky enough not to have any run-ins with illnesses since they got off the oxygen. The lucky streak is over. Both boys have thrush and ear infections, which is supposedly quite common for infants under a year old. They were almost sleeping through the night until they got the ear infections and thrush. It seems like we are back at square one for a little while. They were put on an antibiotic called nystatin. The thrush and ear infections are gone, but another horrendous problem has come from this devil antibiotic. They have never been colicky or gassy giants, until now. I've never gone through so many burp cloths and diapers. I'm starting to wonder if my purpose in life will ever go beyond cleaning diarrhea and vomit off the boys and their clothes. They are miserable and their tummies rumble all the time. Without doctor consultation I stopped the antibiotic and used something more natural to help the thrush. Unf

Cords and Dogs?

We just got "home" from the hospital with the boys Monday. And by home I mean my mom's house for a couple of days to get our routine down before we head back to our apartment. Jeremiah is on oxygen for a few weeks until his lungs are strong enough to keep his stats from dropping below 90. So for the time being, we get to lug around his 3 foot tall, behemoth tank everywhere we go. And they tell me I can't lift anything for 6 weeks from my c-section. Riiight...this is obviously some sort of sick joke. This morning I was tandem nursing the boys and all that that entails, when Jeremiah did "the business" in his diaper. Ryan grabbed Jeremiah to change while Liam could finish getting milk faced. While I was enjoying some quality time with Liam, Ryan moved Jeremiah's tank to the end of the bed, while the cord was long enough to stretch another three feet to the changing table. It didn't take Ryan long to see Jeremiah let the business seep out onto his o