
Showing posts from March, 2012

Cords and Dogs?

We just got "home" from the hospital with the boys Monday. And by home I mean my mom's house for a couple of days to get our routine down before we head back to our apartment. Jeremiah is on oxygen for a few weeks until his lungs are strong enough to keep his stats from dropping below 90. So for the time being, we get to lug around his 3 foot tall, behemoth tank everywhere we go. And they tell me I can't lift anything for 6 weeks from my c-section. Riiight...this is obviously some sort of sick joke. This morning I was tandem nursing the boys and all that that entails, when Jeremiah did "the business" in his diaper. Ryan grabbed Jeremiah to change while Liam could finish getting milk faced. While I was enjoying some quality time with Liam, Ryan moved Jeremiah's tank to the end of the bed, while the cord was long enough to stretch another three feet to the changing table. It didn't take Ryan long to see Jeremiah let the business seep out onto his o