
Showing posts from December, 2012

Strangers on a Plane

I made a spur-of-the-moment decision about 3 weeks back to get planes tickets to Missouri to surprise my Grandpa for his 70th birthday. Unfortunately, my husband couldn't join me because he couldn't get the time off of work. But I wanted to go anyway since that side of my mom's family doesn't get to see their great grandsons very often. Understandable considering the distance and toll it takes on them to travel to colorful Colorado. To my advantage my parents and my aunt were able to travel with me. I would never travel with 9 month old twins by myself. I still have a sliver of sanity left. Nothing really eventful occurred on the flight to Missouri, other than my sons being their incredibly extroverted selves. It was the usual climbing and drooling all over the chairs at the our gate, touching the people sitting in front of us on the plane, exploring some guys laptop case, and smashing their faces against the windows to look outside. Tidbit: I used to be introverted