
Showing posts from April, 2014

A parallel Easter week

I've observed some close friends of ours, one of which I've known my whole childhood through now. They just recently had two close friends in their small group bible studies pass away from cancer. Both young men were married within 9 months or so of them passing, leaving behind very young widows. From the outside looking in, it's so hard to understand why such young souls were called home to be with Jesus so soon. We unconsciously waltz through thinking we have our whole lives ahead of us until something like this takes us by surprise. Check in here for a heavy dose of reality. Suddenly we aren't invincible anymore. We're struck off balance with the weight of this sinful world. Life is steeper than we thought and the ground beneath us shifts. It's through these circumstances that we understand and appreciate that this life is a gift. I attempt to separate Ryan's tumor from the man I married. It's my only tool to keep a shred of the love I once felt f