
Showing posts from July, 2013

Threat Level Mayhem

I suppose it's Liam's week to wreak havoc on the house. For starters, both boys have learned a fabulous talent that requires impressive amounts of dexterity for their age. That talent is self-diaper removal. If I forget to put shorts on them for bed time or nap time, I prayerfully open their door hoping their room won't look like an animal exhibit at the zoo. Fortunately up to date, they have only used this talent when their diapers were full of #1. Last Friday, the streak ended...or should I say began? During my lunch break at work I called to ask my mom how the boys were behaving. She proceeded to tell me that she made my famous rookie mistake and put them down for their nap without shorts or onesies on because it was a hot day. Liam was fussing so she went to get him so he didn't wake his brother. When she described what she walked in on I felt terrible, but also more amused than I would have been if it was me. No matter, the story continues. She peeked open the

What if

Ryan and I have been married for 3 years today and, this must sound terrible, but it feels like we've been together for an eternity. I truly mean that in the best way possible. When I think about the present, life doesn't seem too incredibly different. It’s when I look back that I see everything has changed. It’s quite inside out and upside down. Friends, social circles, circumstances; nothing is the same. Those of you that have witnessed what has occurred the past 5 years Ryan and I have been together can fully comprehend and understand that processing the changes that have taken place in our lives is so overwhelming and tedious at times that I put them on a shelf for a little while. The credit goes to God that we have made it through just fine and in mentally stable condition. It’s when the boys are sleeping and I’m by myself with me and all of my thoughts, when these changes actually have a chance to resonate and “catch up” with me.  When these moments hit, they hit har