
Showing posts from November, 2013

Tantrums of the century

Now that the boys are in the "terrible two's" stage, I'm witnessing unnecessarily, colossal tantrums over the pettiest things. The gap in communication is massive. As much as it all doesn't make sense to me, in their little world, it's enough to send them into a rage of frustration. There are times when I have to keep from laughing and other times where I look at the entire situation unfold in shock and amazement. They are fragile little beings emotionally at this age...and that lovely sin nature is coming out. Here are some fits I've seen so far... Their sippy cups weren't the color they wanted. I didn't hand them the right tooth brush. I wouldn't let him light the candle. The magnet wouldn't stick to the fridge. I wouldn't let them bring a coloring book in the bathtub. I put the keys back on my computer keyboard. We turned all the fans off in the house. The chair wouldn't move when it hit a solid surface. I didn't g