
Showing posts from January, 2017

Grace that leads

Have you ever forced something to take a certain course in your life? I have many times. You would probably agree with me that it rarely turns out how you envisioned, and you usually end up with a tangled mess instead. The cost of my unbelief that God will indeed work on my behalf comes at a high price. When I make these poorly thought through decisions, it's pretty common that other relationships and circumstances in my life are already in a less than desirable state, i.e., out of control, chaotic, or just numbingly stagnant. Relational strife undoes me and when something undoes me, I can rarely think of anything else outside of that situation. It is all consuming. "For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice." James 3:16  I've seen many examples of this same struggle all over the bible. There were many women that sought the eternal benefits of God's purpose, and several that chose the disorder of