
Showing posts from November, 2012

Grandest Entrance

This is a somewhat random post, but it was too perfect a moment not to share. Me and my husband were having a leisurely day playing with the boys and listening to my ridiculous movie playlist ranging anywhere from Phantom of the Opera to Rocky (Adrian!!!). I was going to get dinner ready and, upon opening the fridge, realized we needed to make a late run to the grocery store with the boys. We got them all bundled up and left for King Soopers. After being gone an hour or so (because nothing with twins wiping out entire shelves of food and tearing off sale tags will end quickly) we got home. We had a boy in one arm and 5 or 6 grocery bags looped around the other, because we would rather break our arms than make a second trip. Ryan miraculously managed to get his keys out and unlock the front door to our tiny apartment. I had obviously forgotten to turn off my computer because I could faintly hear my playlist still going. The second Ryan had fully swung the door open the Star Wars Thr